Noun English Grammar Quiz-2

Noun (Online Test) 

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Noun English Grammar Quiz -2

Noun English Grammar Quiz, Noun Online Test, Noun Online Free Mock Test

1 / 10

The fair is full of crowd. Here ‘crowd’ is an example of?

2 / 10

The Ganga is the example of?

3 / 10

Sudip is playing with his brother. Here ‘Sudip’ is an example of?

4 / 10

Forts and buildings are the examples of?

5 / 10

Taj Mahal is the example of?

6 / 10

She gifted me a bouquet of flowers. Here ‘bouquet’ is an example of?

7 / 10

‘Fear’ is the example of?

8 / 10

‘Knowledge’ isthe example of?

9 / 10




‘Kindness’ is the example of?


10 / 10

Temple, mosque and church are the examples of?

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The average score is 66%



Note : इस टेस्ट से सम्बंधित किसी भी समस्या अथवा अपने सुझाव कमेंट में प्रस्तुत करें।


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Note : इस टेस्ट से सम्बंधित किसी भी समस्या अथवा अपने सुझाव कमेंट में प्रस्तुत करें।

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