Pronoun English Grammar Quiz-3

Pronoun (Online Test) 

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Pronoun English Grammar Quiz -3

Pronoun English Grammar Quiz, Pronoun Online Test, Pronoun Online Free Mock Test

1 / 10

The house is theirs. Here the underlined word is an example of?


2 / 10

This box is hers. Here the underlined word is an example of?

3 / 10

My mother is cooking food for us. Here the underlined word is an example of?

4 / 10

My father taught me to be honest. Here the underlined word is an example of?

5 / 10

This farm is theirs. Here the underlined word is an example of?

6 / 10

He is the most intelligent boy in the class. Here the underlined word is an example of?

7 / 10

I have made a cup of tea for myself. Here the underlined word is an example of?


8 / 10

History repeats itself. Here the underlined word is an example of?

9 / 10

They boughtthemselves new shoes. Here the underlined word is an example of?

10 / 10

They have found the missing boy. Here the underlined word is an example of?

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The average score is 63%



Note : इस टेस्ट से सम्बंधित किसी भी समस्या अथवा अपने सुझाव कमेंट में प्रस्तुत करें।


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Note : इस टेस्ट से सम्बंधित किसी भी समस्या अथवा अपने सुझाव कमेंट में प्रस्तुत करें।

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